Louis Xlll 700ml
The legendary Cognac is from the respected house of Remy Martin, Louis XIII (Treize) contains Grande Champagne eaux-de-vie aged between 40 and 100 years and packaged in a lovely Baccarat Crystal decanter. This Cognac is created with over 1,200 different eaux-de-vie from the Grande Champagne terroir, some of which are over a century old. It is matured within oak Limousin casks, the blend of grapes are sourced from the first cru of the region. The flask design is based upon that which was found on the site of the battle of Jarnac, which took place in 1569. A combination of its age-old Baccarat glass decanter dating back to the 16th century, alongside its earthly blending process which began in 1874, makes for a complex Cognac with a pervading reputation. It is sure to endure well into the future
Alc : 40%